Washington, D.C. City Council Holds Hearing on Bill to Create Multi-Media Campaign for Statehood

By Richard Winger On October 27, the Washington, D.C. city council held hearings on PR 21-302, which would authorize the city government to launch a multi-media and petition campaign for statehood for the District of Columbia. See this story. The bill is co-sponsored by a majority of members of the council, so it is likely to pass. The lead author is Councilmember Vincent Orange.
Bills are introduced in every session of Congress for statehood. These bills always specify that the name of the state would be New Columbia. The current bill, by Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, the non-voting representative …read more

Source:: http://ballot-access.org/2015/10/28/washington-d-c-city-council-holds-hearing-on-bill-to-create-multi-media-campaign-for-statehood/