Housing Authority Forces Workers to Wear Orange Vests So NYPD Cops Don’t Shoot Them

By Jay Syrmopoulos New York City, N.Y. – In a testament to the “trigger-happy” nature of NYPD cops, the city Housing Authority has ordered all workers fixing elevators in NYC housing projects to wear construction orange vests.
New policies were enacted by the Housing Authority after officers pulled a gun on a maintenance crew and fatally shot an unarmed man in a stairwell in a separate incident.
According to a New York Post report:
“[The elevator workers] were basically told the reason was because of recent incidents where cops had pulled a gun on a caretaker and a supervisor on the roof of a housing project,” …read more

Source:: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/housing-authority-forces-workers-wear-bright-orange-vests-fear-shot-nypd/