U.S. Supreme Court Had Two Election Law Cases at its April 24 Conference

By Richard Winger On Friday, April 24, the U.S. Supreme Court considered whether or not to hear two election law cases. One is Citizen Center v Colorado Secretary of State, 14-998, over whether the U.S. Constitution protects secrecy in voting. Citizen Center had sued the Secretary of State, and six county election officials, in 2012 because the ballot-counting equipment theoretically could have let election officials see how particular voters voted. The U.S. District Court said there is no protection for secrecy in the U.S. Constitution. On appeal, the Tenth Circuit said the election officials had mostly fixed the problem …read more

Source:: http://ballot-access.org/2015/04/24/u-s-supreme-court-had-two-election-law-cases-at-its-april-24-conference/