Yet another reason to get rid of these extortions

I told Congress to end asset forfeiture using’s campaign.

Please do the same. You may borrow from or copy this letter…

Asset forfeiture laws not only allow law enforcement to steal without due process, they can even deprive me of the right to counsel!

That happened to Sila Luis. The feds charged her with Medicare fraud, then froze ALL her assets — even those UNRELATED to her Medicare business.


Ms. Luis can’t afford a lawyer for her defense. She may have to rely on a public defender who lacks the resources to rebut the prosecutor’s evidence.


* She’ll likely be forced into a plea deal to avoid a harsher sentence, even though…

* her guilt was never proven in court

This is MORALLY INDEFENSIBLE, and it’s a direct result of your forfeiture laws.

Your oath is to support the Constitution. That INCLUDES…

* The Fifth Amendment’s due process guarantee

* The Sixth Amendment’s right to counsel

Uphold your oath. And do the morally right thing.


Or write back and admit that you support an unjust, rigged “Justice” system.


Send your letter using’s Educate the Powerful System.

But please don’t stop there!

In our last Consent Chronicle, we told you that our sister organization, the Downsize DC Foundation has a unique opportunity to advance this very same case, the Sila Luis v United States case, in the U.S. Supreme Court. We encourage you to check out that message, which is available on our blog.

On top of what you’ve read, above, we explain in that message how…

  • We’d filed a brief in a previous asset forfeiture case, known as Kaley

  • We were asked, by Luis’ lawyer, because of that previous brief, to file an amicus brief in this instance, as well

  • We are uniquely qualified to help in the Luis case in other ways

But this brief cannot happen, without the necessary funding.Our Downsize DC Foundation team needs your help to fund this brief.

  • We’re looking for someone to contribute $1,000 or more. We seeking others to give $500 or $200, or to being a monthly pledge of $25 or more. If that describes you, you’ll receive an official, Supreme Court copy of the amicus brief (once it’s completed; it’s due late this month).

  • Plus, all donors who make a contribution will be listed, in a Consent Chronicle about the brief (unless they request privacy on the donor form). As a donor, you will receive a pdf copy, direct to your email inbox.

  • To be recognized, your donation should be made to the “Downsize DC Foundation,” which makes it TAX-DEDUCTIBLE if you itemize. (Contributions made to are welcome, but won’t be counted for this project and are NOT tax-deductible.)

  • Use this link, whether your support is by cash, check, or credit card.

And if you know of someone who is very interested in asset forfeiture, please share this message with them!

Thank you for support,

Jim Babka

President, Inc.

& Downsize DC Foundation

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