Exporting Cowardice, Importing Cynicism


MEDIA ALERT: This morning (Thursday), Jim Babka guest-hosts a radio talk-show. See details below today’s…


The Export-Import Bank is a corporate welfare scheme that extends credit to Big Business at better rates than they could get in a free market. It’s unconstitutional and unnecessary.

But Congressional “leaders” want to keep it alive through a gutless move that provoked me to demand passage of Downsize DC’s One Subject at a Time Act.

Please do the same. You may copy or edit this letter…

Renewal of the Export-Import Bank’s charter was attached to the Continuing Resolution (CR) bill that prevents a government shutdown.

This means…

* Your corporate cronies will continue to get undeserved favors

* Opponents of the Bank will be blamed if there’s a shutdown

* You dodge a vote about the Bank on its own merits before the election

I DO NOT CONSENT to this cowardly, cynical move!!

The One Subject at a Time Act (OSTA) would prevent this this kind of thing. It bans the combination of unrelated bills into one.

You’re my employee. I demand that you TAKE A STAND.

You must OPPOSE the Export-Import Bank, even at the risk of a shutdown.

And you must SPONSOR and PASS the One Subject at a Time Act.    



Send your letter using DownsizeDC.org’s Educate the Powerful System.


Today (Thursday, September 18), LIVE on talk radio, Jim Babka will guest-HOST Gary Nolan’s top-rated, radio show. It airs from 9 AM to Noon Central time.

The show broadcasts in Columbia and Jefferson City, MO. You can listen live at http://theeagle939.com/ — click on Listen Live, top right side of the page.

Perry Willis

Vice President

DownsizeDC.org, Inc.

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