LewRockwell.com – July 5, 2013

Friday, July 5, 2013

Want To Defend Your Privacy?
It’s not easy but not impossible, either, says Doug Hornig.
Orwell’s Big Brother
Murray Rothbard on non-fiction.
When Teenage Thugs Are ‘Troubled Youths’
Thomas Sowell on the mindset of the left.
Focus on the Villains
Stop being distracted by drama and political nonsense, says Glenn Greenwald.
Slaying the Deadly Superbugs
The magic weapon is anti-bacterial silver. Article by Joe Mercola.
Piling Up Toxic Financial Garbage
Jim Willie on the biggest asset bubble in history. Interview by Greg Hunter.
Want High MPG Plus Power and Performance?
Diesel is the answer, but the feds are making it difficult, says Eric Peters.
Are You a Craftsman?
7 steps to hone your legacy in everyday life. Article by Brett and Kate McKay.
They Blew It
5 core reasons why things are falling apart. Article by Charles Hugh Smith.
Psycho Drugs for ‘All Academically Struggling’ Kids?
Elizabeth Renter on the devastatingly bad effects of big pharma’s meth.
Don’t Be Overrun by Bad Bacteria, Yeast, Fungi, Parasites
Margaret Durst on why probiotics are essential for life.
How Much of a Geek Are You?
Take the quiz to see what tech type you are, says Victoria Woollaston.