LewRockwell.com – July 4, 2013

Thursday, July 4, 2013

O Canada
Gary North has forbidden thoughts on the 4th of July.
The March of Government
The defeat of liberty. Article by Andrew Napolitano.
The Meaning of Revolution
A Murray Rothbard classic for our times.
What Americans Used To Know
About the Declaration of Independence. Article by Tom DiLorenzo.
Zombies and the State
Ryan McMaken on horror film as neocon fantasy.
Freedom Is Dying
As its great antagonist, equality, triumphs through the state. Article by Pat Buchanan.
Happy Empire Day
Thank the Pentagon for stealing and killing. Article by Laurence Vance.
Institutionalizing Ignorance
Walter Block on the public schools.
Traveling on a Revoked Passport?
P.T. Freeman on what to do next.
The US War on the World
Exposed by Edward Snowden. Article by Justin Raimondo.
Keep Your Cool
11 ways to protect yourself in very hot weather. Article by Tess Pennington.
The Flying Coffin With 230 People in It
Becky Evans on the downing of TWA flight 800 and the feds’ desperate lying.