LewRockwell.com – Weekend Edition January 5-6, 2013

Weekend Edition, January 5-6, 2013

More of the Same, But Worse
Gerald Celente talks to Lew Rockwell about guns, economic crises, wars, and the fall of the educational establishment.
Is Hugo Chavez on His Deathbed?
The CIA hopes so. Eric Margolis doesn’t.
Lee Harvey Oswald Was a Patsy
Says ex-FBI agent Don Adams.
Land of Disarmed, Defenseless Victims
That’s Britain, says Paul Green. Is America next?
Making Excuses for the Republican Leadership
Even Pat Buchanan isn’t convincing.
Ban Schools
Not guns, says Kathy Shaidle.
Follow the Smart Money
Protect yourself with gold, says Richard Russell.
Shooting the AR-15 9mm
It’s just fun to the extreme, says Hickok45.
From Russia With Love
Vladimir Putin welcomes tax hero Gerard Depardieu with citizenship and a 13% income tax rate.
Gun Law 101
David Higginbotham explains FDR’s rotten National Firearms Act of 1934.
Perpetual War, by Design
Glenn Greenwald on why the US ‘war on terror’ will never end.
Bring Home the Bacon
Then eat it, say Joseph Mercola and Kaayla Daniel. It’s good for you.