Connecting the Dots in the Real World
Created by Roy Perlmutter October 11 2012
Clint Eastwood’s Speech From The Republican National Convention
Europe and Britain sinking under weight of welfare costs
It’s not just that much welfare spending has become bloated, unfair and sometimes outright corrupt, it is also that it is no longer economically affordable.
Insight – Growth crisis exposes burden of French largesse
Little Big Town – Little White Church – CMA Music Fest 2011
Eleven EU Countries Agree on Transaction Tax
The idea of a financial transaction tax in the European Union has been slowly gaining support over the last two years, with Germany and France advocating most vehemently in favor. Now they have convinced nine other EU states to join them…
Debt Crisis Gives European Separatists a Boost
The debt crisis is fueling the fortunes of separatists in a handful of European Union countries. Affluent regions in Spain, Britain, Belgium and Italy no longer feel a sense of solidarity with poorer parts of their own countries — but they want to remain part of the EU.
Gold Can Save Us From Disaster by Steve Forbes
Gran Torino – Trailer