The Real World News & Comment – July 24, 2012

The Real World News & Comment:
What the Mainstream Media Wasn’t Allowed to Show You Today

Material Selected by Roy Perlmutter July 24 2012

Blaming the Spanish victim as Europe spirals into summer crisis…It is time for Spain and the victim states to seize the initiative.

Ed Steer (Casey Research):
On Sunday I was interviewed by Dr. Janda on WAAM 1600 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The interview runs about 25 minutes…and the link to the podcast is here.

Note: Under “July 22, 2012” scroll down to “Download”… then  “Ed Steer”:

The War on Silver

The Libor Scandal In Full Perspective

Richard Russell: Bear Market to Last Another 15 Years to 2027

Debt crisis: Greek economy is in a ‘Great Depression’ says Samaras

You Didn’t Build That×359.jpg

Exploiting a Tragedy to Take Your Rights

“When the gunman threw the canisters, he threw them only a few feet from Allie and Stephanie sitting there and watching the film,” Obama said. “Allie stood up seeing that she might need to do something – or at least warn other people — she was immediately shot.”
A vein in her neck had been punctured, the president continued, and blood spurted from the wound. As Allie dropped to the ground, Stephanie pulled her into the aisle and placed her fingers over her friend’s wound, applying pressure as the gunman continued shooting. 
Allie told Stephanie to run, but she refused and instead called 911 with her free hand.
“Once the SWAT team arrived, Stephanie, with the help of several others, carries Allie across two parking lots where the ambulance was waiting,” Obama said. “Because of Stephanie’s timely reactions, she is going to be fine.”

Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said it could take months simply to determine a motive. He said police were working with FBI behavioral analysts.

First Thoughts: Changing the tone