LewRockwell.com – Weekend Edition, January 14-15, 2012 Posted on January 14, 2012 by RSS Feed Weekend Edition, January 14-15, 2012 ‘Red Dawn’Why Murray Rothbard loved this libertarian flick. Are You on the Scaffold?Bernanke is the hangman, says Gary North. From the Right To ResistTo the “duty to submit.” Article by Will Grigg. The Case Against the Driver’s LicenseEric Peters on data collection and sheeple control. The Economy Is Being Juiced Up Before the ElectionWatch out for 2013, says Jim Rogers. The US Wants Another Big WarSo it gins up the pressure, just as in the 1930s. Article by Bob Wenzel. 20 Ways To Restore FaithWhen everything goes wrong. Article by James Altucher. The Overthrow of the Cities of the PlainImmanuel Velikovsky on the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. SkynetMac Slavo on the rise of the machines: flying US killer robots. How Did Ron Paul Really Do in Iowa and NH?Bob Adelman on the rest of the story. Why Choose Hong Kong?Ian Oliver on a great place to live and do business, if you can take the summers. Are Your Canned Goods Safe to Eat?Mark Sisson’s list of common primal foods that are packaged BPA-free.