LewRockwell.com – January 3, 2011 Posted on January 3, 2011 by RSS Feed Monday, January 3, 2011 The Libertarian SchismMurray Rothbard on left and right. The Case for DiscriminationWalter Block on the central importance of free choice. The Best Turn-Down for a Date I Ever GotAnd what I learned from it. Article by Gary North. Why I Pick on RepublicansBecause they’re fascist police-statists. Article by Laurence Vance. Economist of the YearMurray Rothbard, for his power-elite analysis, says Robert Wenzel. The License To ExterminateWill Grigg on law enforcement and discretionary killing. Correction ImminentMarc Faber’s January 2011 outlook. The State and the SaviourPaul Green on what the Lord’s Prayer actually means. Blowing Raspberries at the Thought PoliceNeil Clark on Auberon Waugh, the great enemy of imperialists and other nasties. Manly SlangColorful language of the 19th century. Article by Brett and Kate McKay. Liberty and PatriotismAndrew Mason on an Iraq vet’s quest for their true meaning. The 5 Ages of Peak HealthLooking and feeling your best no matter what your years.