by:Ron Holland
The “OBAMA RETIREMENT TRAP” report shows how future Washington revenue needs and the growing treasury debt load may ultimately require government mandates directing trillions of dollars in retirement plans to purchase government bonds. In addition, Washington will likely force trillions of private plan benefits into new proposed “universal” government Guaranteed Retirement Annuities managed by the Social Security System.
This threat of stealth nationalization and confiscation and how it could happen is outlined in the 20 page special report, “Are You Ready for the Coming Obama Retirement Trap?”
Here is a URL link allowing you to read the entire special report.
In addition, please feel free to e-mail to receive the entire report on a PDF file, sign-up for the free e-mail service, “Ron Holland’s Retirement Alert” to keep updated on the threat or for his private phone number for interviews and to discuss the threat.
Help us stop the coming Washington Retirement Trap and don’t allow Uncle Sam to transform your retirement funds into the forced “buyer of last resort” for collapsing treasury obligations.