Songs of Freedom: Tales From the Revolution was announced as the August Book of the Month by Freedom Bookclub. Freedom Bookclub reports, “Participants in our preference poll last month have overwhelmingly chosen Songs of Freedom: Tales from the Revolution as August’s Book of the Month. Many responses were recorded, which, when tabulated, clearly direct the acclaim to Mr. Perry and his book. Visit the “Current Selection” page for reviews.
Darryl has contributed many of his own words to Songs of Freedom: Tales from the Revolution, and compiled contributions from many other people involved in the Ron Paul for President campaign. Here is a list of contributors. Adam Kokesh, Allison Gibbs, Bonita Honhorst, Brandon Trent, Danielle Kays, Emma Goldman, Gary Chartier, Gary Franchi, Henry David Thoreau, James Russell Lowell, Jessica Pacholski, Jim Davidson, Kimberly Johnson, Melissa Hill, Melody L. (Lewis) Key, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, Terri Kurowski, Thomas E. Woods, Jr. & Voltairine de Cleyre.”
Perry said, “I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this book, as well as everyone that voted for this book. Thank you!”