Response from Concord City Clerk

On August 3, I sent an email to the Concord City Clerk, Concord Police Chief, Concord Mayor, and all members of the Concord City council which stated:

Please consider this email a 91-a/FOIA request.
Regarding the grant application for a Lenco BearCat with funds provided by the DHS; I request the following information:
* All correspondence (including but not limited to: emails, hand-written notes, and drafts of the application) between the individuals who were involved in writing the grant application that includes the words: sovereign citizen, sovereign, Free State, Free Stater, Free State Project, FSP, porcupine, Occupy, Occupy New Hampshire, ONH, Occupy NH!
* Documentation relating to the information used to determine which groups to list as “daily challenges”!
* Documentation relating to the “daily challenges” presented by “Sovereign Citizens, Free Staters and Occupy New Hampshire”!

I received these documents.
I was sent an email from Carla Gericke to Chief Duval, a response from Duval to Gericke, a letter from Duval to Assistant Dept. of Safety Commisioner Earl Sweeney, and a reply from Sweeney.
I sent the following response to Concord City Clerk Janice Bonenfant:

Thank you for sending these documents. This was not exactly what I was looking for. The information you sent me does not list any of the “daily challenges” that were referenced in the original BEARCAT application, nor does it tell me who wrote the original BEARCAT application, nor does it document how or why “Sovereign Citizens, Free Staters and Occupy New Hampshire” were listed in the original BEARCAT application.